MEAN Stack vs MERN Stack: Which Web Development Stack to Use?

Accordiong to Statista, React.js is used by 40.14% developers in comparison to Angular which is used by 22.96% developers.

However, choosing the right tech stack is crucial as it depends upon size and complexity as well as timeline of the project.

MEAN Stack and MERN Stacks are some of the best examples of the technology stack. MERN uses React js and MEAN uses Angular js to develop web applications.

Being the top Angular development company, we have in-depth knowledge about which tech stack to choose for your business.

Whether you’re using the MEAN or MERN stack, Faster Node.js Hosting plays a critical role in ensuring optimal performance, scalability, and user experience. It enables the backend to handle requests promptly, which is essential for real-time applications and those with heavy client-server interactions. Therefore, when choosing a hosting provider for your MEAN or MERN stack application, prioritize providers that offer reliable and high-performance Node.js hosting services.

The following section explains the head to head difference between the MEAN stack vs MERN stack.

Head-to-Head Detailed Comparison Between MEAN Stack vs MERN Stack

We have compiled a few important comparison points between MEAN and MERN stacks to help you understand their major differences.

Comparison Factors MEAN Stack MERN Stack
Learning Curve If you are new in the app development field, it would take a long time to master the MEAN stack as this framework is pre-configured. You need to put in a lot of effort to learn MEAN development. MERN stack compared to MEAN is easier to learn. This framework includes React js which offers structured documentation to help web developers to find the required information in no time.
Multiple Third Party Libraries MEAN Stack consists of HTTP requests with backend server connection features. It allows you to use Angular component libraries and third party libraries even when you have less or no knowledge of programming languages. MERN is still emerging and it doesn’t include many libraries to fulfil the app development needs. You need to be a skilled developer to use the libraries.
Performance The MEAN stack outperforms the MERN stack. As it is pre configured framework and offers better performance than MERN stack. MERN technology stack uses virtual DOM rather than native DOM which leads to increased rendering time.
Data Flow MEAN has bi-directional data flow. The user interface in this framework can be changed based on your requirements. If you are managing large-scale projects, unidirectional data flow is beneficial. Seeking help from a MERN stack developer helps to create flexible web or mobile apps.
Security In terms of security, MEAN wins over MERN as it offers higher security against vulnerable attacks. Also the session data remains on the client side rather than on the server end. MERN comes with several different authentication methods for security, but these methods are not effective against CSRF threats.

Even, to improve your understanding about these stacks, you should learn the core difference between Angular vs React as well. You have learned about the detailed comparison between both these frameworks. Now, let’s understand the meaning of MEAN Stack.

What is MEAN Stack?

MEAN stands for

  • MongoDB
  • Express.js
  • Angular.js
  • Node.js

MEAN stack is a Javascript stack that comes up with numerous in-built testing tools and reduces time on system administration.

It is a modern approach to create pages for web and mobile app development using the best Angular IDEs as well. This front end framework is the right choice to accelerate the web development process as it works on MVC architecture.

Want to know more about this open-source framework? Check the following key features of the MEAN stack.

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What are the Key Features of MEAN Stack?

  1. Use of JavaScript
    MEAN uses JavaScript which facilitates users to reduce the unnecessary usage of bandwidth. It enhances the overall performance of web applications.
  2. Isomorphic Code
    This technology stack uses isomorphic code which runs on both client and server end. You don’t need to write the same code again and again because of its isomorphic properties.
  3. Lower Development Cost
    If you are planning to develop a MEAN application, you don’t need to hire different professionals to manage a single project. A team of JavaScript experts is enough to manage the entire project. As it ultimately lowers the deployment cost.
  4. Active Community For Long-Term Support
    We all know that JavaScript is a highly-preferred programming language in the market. This programming language boasts a huge community of developers to help others in case they face any problem.
  5. Flexibility
    MEAN developers have the access to build and test the application without any hassle. The flexibility of the MEAN platform allows web developers to test an app on a cloud platform.
  6. Faster Development Process
    The flexibility of this stack accelerates the web development process. Because, MVC architecture makes MEAN stack a speedy framework. Code reusability is another reason behind its swift and easy development process. MEAN wins over MEAN in terms of development speed.

Check the following section to know when to choose the MEAN stack for your project.

When to Choose MEAN Stack for Your Project?

It’s no secret that MEAN is the modern approach to development. From single-page web applications to complex applications, the Angular web framework provides a perfect platform for web developers to build dynamic applications. Use this stack when you need to create hybrid mobile apps as it saves a huge amount of time because of its isomorphic properties.

When NOT to Choose MEAN Stack for Your Project?

If you are planning to develop a small-scale application, it is advisable to avoid using the MEAN stack as it has a steep learning curve as compared to MERN. Choose MERN stack over MEAN stack, in that case, to save your time in learning this stack.

Let’s move to the next technology stack i.e. MERN stack.

What is MERN Stack?

MERN is an acronym made of several technologies i.e.

  • MongoDB
  • Express.js
  • React js
  • Node.js

It is one of the most popular technology stacks used by software developers. MongoDB is a NoSQL database used for storing data. React facilitates creating the user interface components of single-page software applications and Node js is a runtime environment to run JavaScript on a machine.

We have discussed what MERN stack is. Now, let’s move further toward the key features of MERN stack.

What are the Key Features of MERN Stack?

  1. MVC Architecture
    MERN works on MVC (model view controller) architecture. It enables web developers to create an intuitive user interface. The MVC architecture also makes it easy for the developers to design the web application.
  2. Free Online Templates
    MERN has a number of free online templates. It saves the time and energy of web developers. It allows web developers to customize the templates with ease and use them for their business.
  3. Easy to Deploy
    The technologies used in the MERN are easy to deploy. Even beginners work on this framework without any hassle.
  4. Offers Native Experience to Users
    MERN offers a native experience to the users. It allows data syncing between the online as well as offline states of the application. If you have the experience to incorporate native experience-giving features in the web application, you can easily make a mark in this competitive market.
  5. Easy Maintenance of Code
    Bug fixing is also part of the MEAN stack. This efficient platform comes up with powerful testing tools to fix the errors in an application, making it bug-free.
  6. No Context Switching
    Don’t worry about context switching as the MERN stack uses only Javascript for frontend development along with backend development.

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When to Choose MERN Stack For Your Project?

MERN is ideal for small-scale software development projects with simple functionality. Moreover, this stack works well for enterprise level projects where you have a high-profile target audience. No doubt, MERN is better for mobile development.

When NOT to Choose MERN Stack For Your Project?

MERN stack is lightweight and easy to learn. It is advisable to avoid using this tech stack for web development projects that need complex functionality.

Still wondering which is the best stack for your project? Check out the following frequently asked questions to get all the answers.


  1. Which is in demand MEAN Stack or MERN Stack?

    Both these tech stacks are in demand. The primary difference lies in their structure. MEAN is a better option for managing larger projects while MERN is preferred in the rapid development of smaller web apps.

  2. Which is better: MEAN Stack or MERN Stack?

    The answer to this question depends on the developer’s preferences. MERN is preferred over the MEAN stack most of the time as Angular js has a steeper learning curve. You should choose a particular stack based on your budget and project requirements as both these technology stacks are important to developing web and mobile applications of any type.

What Stack Are You Planning to Choose? MERN Stack or MEAN Stack

Choosing the right stack will enhance your software development efforts. The close-knit competition between MEAN and MERN makes it a daunting task to choose one of these tech stacks.

If you’re planning to develop a larger project, MEAN is the way to go. As MERN will help you in creating small-scale to large-scale web apps, depending on your requirements and budget. If you are still confused about which stack to choose for your project, consult our professional full stack developer to get best-in-class web development services. The full-stack developer can work on the complete development cycle without any limitations.

Jeel Patel

Written by

Jeel Patel

Jeel Patel is the Founder of Monocubed and is the main curator & writer of the content found on this site. With ideals of quality, commitment, and perseverance, he believes in creating lasting business relationships with the clients.